Laptop Sales Down As Tablets Surge

The sale of iPads is proving detrimental for Apple's laptop sales. The final quarter of 2010 saw Apple sell 7.3 million iPads which is two and a half times the number of Apple laptops sold in the same quarter.

In Steve Job's absence, Apple's chief operating officer Tim Cook has stepped in at the helm of the company. Cook didn't admit that this cannibalisation had affected Mac laptop sales and cited the fact that Apple's desktop and notebook sales combined to post a 23 per cent year-over-year growth rate.

He said: "Was there any cannibalisation by iPad? To be honest, I don't know for certain. But yes, I think there is some cannibalisation. There is a still a promising future for laptops; they are vital to our plans."

Most of the leading manufacturers have seen their laptop sales drop as the tablet market continues its rapid rise. This is the first time that sales in laptops have decreased year over year. Statistics prove that there is a still a negative 4 per cent growth rate from the first week of September.

Acer officials released a statement denying the remarks of one of its salespersons who reportedly said its netbooks would be phased out by tablets. Acer officials denied the plan to phase out the Acer laptops. Moreover, the officials said that tablets "based on Intel's Sandy Bridge is not yet foreseen."

With new apps being contantly created by iPhone and Android smartphones, tablets are becoming more attractive that the heavier software running on laptops.

3D technology will also play a role in the future of the laptop. As frontrunners in the 3D market, it may not be too long until we see 3D Sony laptops. Toshiba and other manufacturers could be years behind Sony offering autostereoscopic (non-glasses) in the living room and the office. Toshiba laptops with 3D technology may be some time away.


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